Grand viva
List some health days of public health importance.
30th January - Leprosy Elimination Day
8th March - World Women's Day
24th March - World TB Day
7th April - World Health Day
25th April - Malaria Day
31st May - World No Tobacco Day
5th June - World Environment Day
1st July - World Doctors' Day
11th July - World Population Day
1-7th August - World Breastfeeding Promotion Week
1-7th September - National Nutrition Week
1st October - World's Elder Days
7th November - Cancer Awareness Month
14th November - Diabetes Day
1st December - World AIDS Day
What are the 5 A's of Tobacco Counselling
Ask - at every visit and assess for tobacco use.
Advise - Why it is important for the individual to quit?
Assess - Willingness to quit.
Assist - If willing, provide counselling and pharmacotherapy.
Arrange - for a follow up visit,every%20patient%20at%20every%20visit.
What are the 5 R's of Motivational Intervention while counselling an individual to quit tobacco?Â
Relevance - Why it is important for the individual to quit?
Risk - What are the negative consequences to the individual if they do not quit?
Rewards - What are the benefits to the individual if they quit?
Roadblocks - What are the challenges they anticipate as they attempt to quit?
Repetition - Repeat the motivational intervention every time an unmotivated individual visits the clinic.