Infectious Disease Epidemiology
Basic Definitions
Draw the chain of infection.
Differentiate between infection and disease.
Differentiate between communicable disease, Infectious disease, and contagious disease,
Differentiate between infection and infestation.
Differentiate between subclinical and latent infection.
Differentiate between primary and secondary infection.
Explain the term cross-infection.
Explain the terms iatrogenic diseases, nosocomial infections, opportunistic infections.
Differentiate between contamination and pollution.
State the salient features of nosocomial infections.
Pandemic - Epidemic - Endemic
Define pandemic and give an example.
Define epidemic and give an example.
Define endemic and give an example.
Explain the term hyper-endemicity.
Explain the term holo-endemic.
How is outbreak different from epidemic?
Explain the term sporadic disease.
Differentiate between epidemic, endemic, pandemic, outbreak
Exotic - Zoonotic Disease
Explain term Exotic disease with an example.
Explain term Zoonotic, diseases with an example.
Name three types of zoonotic diseases with an example.
Differentiate between Enzootic, Epizootic, and Epiornithic with an example.
Reservoir - Source of Infection
Differentiate between homologous and heterologous reservoir?
Differentiate between source of infection and reservoir of infection.
Define a case.
Differentiate between clinical case, subclinical case and latent infection.
State which of the clinical illness is an important source of infection.
State the different names for subclinical infection.
Give examples of diseases where you find subclinical and latent infection.
State how to identify a subclinical case.
Define a suspect case.
Differentiate between Primary, Index and Secondary case.
Define carrier.
Enumerate elements in a carrier state.
State reasons why a carrier state exists.
Classify and give an example of different types of carriers.
Differentiate between incubatory, convalescent, healthy carrier.
Differentiate between temporary and chronic carrier.
Differentiate between cases and carriers.
Modes of Transmission
Differentiate between direct and indirect transmission.
Differentiate between droplet infection and droplet nuclei.
Explain the term vehicle.
State the epidemiological features of vehicle transmission.
Explain the term vector.
Enumerate factors determining ability of vector to transmit disease.
Differentiate between mechanical and biological vector transmission.
Differentiate between propagative, cyclo-propagative and cyclo-developmental transmission.
Explain trans-ovarian and trans-stadial transmission.
Differentiate between dust, droplet nuclei and droplet infection.
What is fomite?
Classify water borne diseases with examples.
Classify food borne disease with examples.
Classify vector borne disease with examples.
Host related
Define Host. and examples of different types of host.
Differentiate between primary and secondary host.
Who is susceptible host.
Describe the stages of successful parasitism.
What does dead end infection mean?
Define incubation period.
Define Median incubation period.
Name some diseases with short, medium and long incubation period.
Enumerate factors determining incubation period.
Differentiate between intrinsic and extrinsic incubation period.
Explain latent period.
Explain window period.
State the importance of incubation period in epidemiological studies.
Explain the terms - serial interval, generation time, communicable period.
Calculate secondary attack rate (SAR).
State limitations of secondary attack rate (SAR).
State usefulness of secondary attack rate (SAR).
Host Defence Mechanisms
Explain host defence mechanisms.
State who can be called as immune.
What is biological shield of an infant?
Classify types of immunity.
Explain what is active immunity.
State how active immunity is acquired.
Differentiate between primary and secondary immune response.
State types of active immunity.
Differentiate between humoral and cellular immunity.
What does the presence of IgG and IgM antibodies mean?
Name some diseases where cellular immunity is observed.
Explain what are memory cells.
State why active immunity is considered superior to passive immunity.
State factors that can lead to a fall in active immunity.
Explain what is passive immunity.
State how passive immunity is acquired.
Differentiate between active and passive immunity.
State the importance of passive immunity.
Explain herd immunity.
What is immunological barrier?
Enumerate factors contributing to herd immunity.
State the percentage of herd immunity that should be achieved to halt epidemic or control disease.
What factors determine the threshold for herd immunity?
How is herd immunity determined?
Controlling the Reservoir
Explain what you understand by the term prevention and control measures.
Choice of preventive measures depends upon which factors?
Enumerate measures for controlling / eliminating the reservoir.
Explain what you understand by the term notification.
State the importance of notification.
Name some diseases that are under surveillance under International Health Regulations.
Differentiate between isolation and quarantine.
What is the purpose of isolation?
Explain ring immunization and name the diseases where it is used.
Name diseases/ conditions in which isolation is a very useful strategy.
State conditions in which isolation is not a very useful strategy.
How does one determine the duration of isolation?
What are the different types of quarantine?
What is segregation?
Define disinfection.
Differentiate between cleaning, disinfection, sterilisation, asespsis.
Explain the term sterile.
Differentiate between antiseptic, disinfectant, sanitiser, deodorant, detergent, germicide.
State the properties of an ideal disinfectant.
Enumerate different types of disinfection.
Explain concurrent, terminal and prophylactic disinfection with an example.
Give the classification of disinfecting agents.
State the items that can be disinfected with different disinfecting agents.
State the commonly used disinfectant recommended for disinfection of faeces, urine, sputum, blood spills, thermometer, floors, surfaces.
Enumerate factors that reduce efficacy of sterilization.
Interrupting the Transmission
Enumerate measures for interrupting direct chain of transmission.
Enumerating measures for interrupting indirect chain of transmission.
What are five Fs ?
Explain sanitation barrier.
Enumerate integrated vector control measures.
Enumerate respiratory hygiene measures.
Protecting the susceptibles
Enumerate measures protecting susceptibles.
Explain term vaccines, Immunoglobulins, active immunization, passive immunization.
Differentiate between normal human immunoglobulin, specific human immunoglobulin and antisera.
Name some diseases where active, passive and combined immunization is practiced.
What is chemoprophylaxis?
Give examples of diseases where chemoprophylaxis is practiced.
Differentiate between primary and secondary chemoprophylaxis.
Differentiate between causal and clinical prophylaxis.