NCD - Risk Factors
Non-Communicable Diseases - General concepts
List modifiable and non-modifiable NCD risk factors.
List 4 behavioural and 4 metabolic NCD risk factors.
Give examples of non-communicable diseases.
Define Chronic Illness.
When is an individual said to have raised blood pressure?
When is individual said to have raised blood sugar?
When is individual said to have dyslipidaemia?
When is individual said to be overweight and obese?
When will you consider an indivduals's diet to be unhealthy diet?
When will you consider an individual to be physically inactive?
List the measures for prevention of NCD.
What is the WHO survey method for NCD known as.
Which diseases are included under the term "Cardio Vascular Diseases"
Explain what is mean by lag time effect of risk factors for Cardiovascular Disease
List interventions to reduce cardiovascular diseases.
Explain the term "Tracking of blood pressure".
What does the term "iceberg phenomena" mean?
What is meant by the term "Rule of Halves"
State the systolic and diastolic blood pressure reading at which you would consider an adult to have hypertension.
During screening camp, if an individuals blood pressure is found to be raised, how will you confirm the diagnosis of hypertension.
Explain "DASH Diet"
At what age is screening for hypertension started?
Name drugs used for management of hypertension under National PRogramme for NCD?
List the modifiable and non-modifiable risk factors of hypertension.
State the measures for prevention and control of hypertension.