Biomedical Waste (BMW)
Yellow coloured BMW bin
State the biomedical waste that can be put in this biomedical waste bin.
State the methods of treatment for the waste disposed in the following biomedical waste bin.
Red coloured BMW bin
State the biomedical waste that can be put in this biomedical waste bin.
State the methods of treatment for the waste disposed in the following biomedical waste bin.
Cardboard box with Blue coloured marking
State the biomedical waste that can be put in this biomedical waste bin.
State the methods of treatment for the waste disposed in the following biomedical waste bin.
Blue coloured BMW bin
State the biomedical waste that can be put in this biomedical waste bin.
State the methods of treatment for the waste disposed in the following biomedical waste bin.
White translucent BMW bin
State the biomedical waste that can be put in this biomedical waste bin.
State the methods of treatment for the waste disposed in the following biomedical waste bin.
Biohazard and Cytoxic symbol on BMW bins
State in which biomedical waste bin, the following waste can be segregated. State the method of treatment and final disposal.
Body parts from the dissection hall
Aborted foetus
Excised Tumour from an operation theatre
Dressing material contaminated with blood or body fluids
Cotton swabs contaminated with blood
Bacterial culture plate
Discarded blood bags
Vaccine vials that have expired
Disposable Masks/gowns
Soiled Linen/Mattress
Expired medicines
Foley’s catheter / Ryle’s tube
Disposable Gloves
Plastic empty infusion bottles
Urine bags
Syringe used for vaccination
Syringes with needles fixed to it
Needles from cutter/burner
Lumbar puncture needle
Used empty vaccine vials
Glass slides
Glass pipettes
Metal body implants-Orthopaedic Implants
Vaccination in health care professional
Name the vaccine to be received by health care professionals.
Dose of vaccine
Route of Administration
Dosage schedule
Needle Stick Injury in health care professional
Percentage risk of acquiring blood-borne infections following needle stick injury
Management of a needle stick injury