Diseases and Prevention
Anopheles Mosquito
Diseases Transmitted
Prevention and Control
Filling and drainage of breeding places
Overhead tanks are kept clean and dry for one day in a week
Use of Malarial oil
Use of Paris green
Aedes Mosquito
Diseases Transmitted
Yellow Fever
Dengue Fever
Chikungunya Fever
Prevention and Control
Artificial containers are turned upside down and allowed to dry.
Broken items are not be discarded randomly in the courtyard, backyards orstreets
Culex Mosquito
Diseases Transmitted
Japanese Encephalitis
Prevention and Control
Proper drainage and disposal of sewage and wastewater
Pouring diesel oil on breeding places
Paris green in the form of pellets and granules
Mosquito - Prevention and Control Measures
Anti-larval measures
Environmental Control - Known as “source reduction” – comprises of minor engineering methods like ditches, pits, low lying areas, deweeding, trimming of drains etc.
Chemical Control-
Mineral oil
Paris green
Synthetic insecticides e.g. Fenthion, Chlorpyrifos, Abate
Biological Control - Control of mosquito breeding through biological agents. Breeding of Gambusia affinis, Lebister reticulatus.
Anti-adult measures
Residual spray - DDT, BHC.
Space spray - Pyrethrum, Malathion.
Genetic Control- Sterile male.
Personal Protective measures
Insecticide Treated Bed Nets
Synthetic nets like nylon and polyester treated with 10–15 ml of liquid synthetic pyrethroids like Deltamethrin, Cyfluthrin.
There should be 150 holes in 1 square inch.
The size of the holes should not be more than 0.0475 inches in any diameter.
Screening of rooms and buildings
Gauze having 16 meshes to an inch, aperture not larger than 0.0475 inch
Diethytoluamide , Indalone, Dimethyl phthalate, dimethyl carbate etc. are effective repellants in the form of creams, smokes, odours.
Diseases Transmitted
Kala azar
Sandfly fever
Oriental Sore
Prevention and Control
DDT 1 to 2 gm/m2 residual action 1to 2 years
Lindane 0.25 gm / m2 residual action 3 mths.
Removal of shrubs and vegetation within 50 yards.
Filling up cracks and crevices.
Cattle sheds and poultry houses should be away from home.
Diseases Transmitted
Typhoid and paratyphoid.
Diarrhoea and dysentery.
Cholera and gastroenteritis.
Amoebiasis and giardiasis.
Helminthic infestation
Anthrax, yaws, trachoma.
Prevention and Control
Environmental control-
Eliminating breeding places.
Proper collection, removal and disposal of refuse by incineration, composting or sanitary land fill.
Provision of sanitary latrines, Sanitary disposal of animal excreta, stopping open air defection.
stepping up general sanitation.
Insecticidal control-
Residual spray of DDT, methoxychlor or chlordane.
Poisoned bait.
Cords and ribbons impregnated with insecticide.
Space spray containing pyrethrin and DDT.
Trappings - A mixture of resin, groundnut oil and Vaseline or a mixture of resin & castor oil are mixed together & heated so as to form molasses and smeared on paper with brush. Flies get attracted to paper & get stuck on it.
Protection against flies
Screening of houses, hospitals etc. with 14 meshes to inch.
Electric fly catching device
Health education
Diseases Transmitted
Epidemic Typhus Fever
Relapsing fever
Trench fever
Prevention and Control
Personal hygiene
Regular daily bath with cleaning of hair.
Washing of clothes with hot water.
Autoclaving clothes if necessary.
Chemical control-
0.5 % Malathion lotion or carbaryl dust powder for clothes & hair.
A second application given after 7 days for killing late-hatching lice
Rat Flea
Diseases Transmitted
Plague (Bubonic)
Endemic OR murine typhus
Hymenolepis diminuta.
Prevention and Control
Rat Control - Sanitation, trapping rodenticides (usually zinc sulphates).
Flea Control -10% DDT dust, 2% carbaryl, 5% malathion applied to floors and wall upto 1ft height.
Repellant- Diethyltoluamide or benzyl benzoate applied to clothes.
Sarcoptes Scabei
Diseases Transmitted
Prevention and Control
Personal hygiene- Regular daily bath with cleaning of hair, washing of clothes with hot water, autoclaving clothes if necessary.
Treat all family members at same time irrespective of whether they have infestation or not. It is called Blanket treatment
Scrub bath with soap and hot water.
25% Benzyl benzoate lotion is applied to whole body below chin including soles of the feet as two applications with twelve hour gap. Bath after 12 hours of the second application. Repeat after one week if needed.
Single application of permethrin
Two applications of crotamiton
Gamma HCH (lindane) 0.5% to 1% in oil in gap of 2- 3 days
Three applications of Tetmosol 5% solution with 3 daily applications
Four applications of Sulphur Ointment 2.5 to 10 %
Soft Tick
Diseases Transmitted
Endemic relapsing fever.
Q – Fever
Kyasanur forest disease.
Prevention and Control
Environmental control - Fillings of paths, good houses with no cracks.
General Measures - Cleanliness of domestic animals, individual personal hygiene, protection of workers by encouraging them to wear protective clothing impregnated with insect repellants like indalone, diethyltoluamide and benzyl benzoate.
Insecticidal Control - DDT, chlordane, dieldrin, lindane, malathion, toxaphane(1 to 2 lbs per acre) Dusting or spraying formulations are employed.
Hard Tick
Diseases Transmitted
Tick Typhus fever (Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever)
Viral Encephalitis (Russian spring – summer encephalitis)
Viral fevers (Colorado tick fever)
Viral haemorrhagic fevers (KFD)
Tick Paralysis
Human babesiosis
Prevention and Control
Environmental control
Fillings of paths, good houses with no cracks.
General Measures
Cleanliness of domestic animals individual personal hygiene
protection of workers by encouraging them to wear protective clothing impregnated with insect repellants like indalone, diethyltoluamide and benzyl benzoate.
Insecticidal Control
DDT, chlordane, dieldrin, lindane, malathion, toxaphane (1 to 2 lbs per acre)
Dusting or spraying formulations are employed.
Diseases Transmitted
Dracunculiasis (Guinea worm disease) caused by Dracunculus medinensis
Diphyllobothriasis (Fish tapeworm infestation) Diphyllobothrium latum.
Prevention and Control
Environmental control - Piped water supply, tube wells (abolition of step wells).
Physical- Straining of water through a fine cloth, boiling of water.
Chemical Control - Chlorination of water 5 ppm, Lime 1 gm/Litre, Abate 1ppm.