Plotting on Growth Chart

What is a Growth Chart?

Steps of Plotting a Growth Chart

Step 1: Identify the appropriate growth chart.

Step 2: Fill up the details in the information box.

Step 3: Fill up the birth month in the first month box and date of birth on the leftside outside of the box

Step 4: Fill up the remaining month boxes.

Step 5: Plot the weight appropriate for the age

Step 6: Connect the plotted points to form the growth curve

Step 7: Interpret the plotted weight and growth chart

Step 1: Identify the appropriate growth chart.

The growth chart for boys has a blue border while the growth chart for girls has a pink border.

Growth chart for BOYS

Growth chart for GIRLS

Step 2: Fill up the details in the information box.

Fill up the following details in the information box on the growth chart i.e. 

Growth Chart showing Information Box encircled in blue

Information Box

Step 3: Fill up the birth month and year (MM/YY)

Example, For a child, Isha born on 13th Mar 2019, the birth month is to be written in the first month box as 03/19 and the date of birth is written as 13th outside the box on the left side of the box. 

Growth Chart showing the first month box (encircled in blue)

Image showing how to write the Birth date and Birth month

Step 4: Fill up the remaining month boxes

e.g. if child is born on 13th Mar 2019 the first box will be labelled as 03/19 and last box will be 02/24

Growth Chart with Birth months filled from first box to the last box

Step 5: Plot the weight for age

Isha’s born on 13th Mar 2019 had a birth weight of2.5 kg. On 11th day i.e. 23rd Mar 2019 (1 week), her weight was 2.4 kg. On 27th May 2019 (2 months), her weight was 3 kg, and 15th July (4 months) she weighed 4 kg. on 21st May 2020(1 yr 2 months), she weighed 7 kg.

A closer look at Isha's growth chart. Isha’s born on 13th Mar 2019 had a birth weight of2.5 kg. On 11th day i.e. 23rd Mar 2019 (1 week), her weight was 2.4 kg. On 27th May 2019 (2 months), her weight was 3 kg, and 15th July (4 months) she weighed 4 kg. on 21st May 2020(1 yr 2 months), she weighed 7 kg.

Step 6: Connect the plotted points 

Connect the points plotted for two or more months/weight, with a straight line to form the Growth Curve and observe trends.

Whenever there is a gap in monthly weighing or no information available about weight then that gap in growth chart needs to be joined with a dotted line.

Growth curve of a female child, whose weight has been recorded monthly

Growth curve of a Isha, plotted with dotted lines. The weight has not been recorded on a monthly basis. As a result there is lot of gap between the plotted weights. In such cases dotted line is used instead of solid line while connecting the plotted points 

Interpret the plotted weight and growth curve

Direction of Growth Curve