Communication Skills

 Case Studies

To become an effective communicator, the students must observe, critically evaluate and reflect on the communication that happens between an health care professionals and patient/ family. Apart from the communication that you observe in the ward and OPD, you can additionally gain skills through observing communication skills videos that are widely available on the internet. 

Practice by watching the videos on the links provided and write your observations using the checklist on the communication skills (SA-Comm Skills Checklist)  between the health care professional and the patient / family member. In your overall comments, you can add why you felt the communication was good or bad. Also suggest how the communication could be improved. 

Case Study 1 with the answer

Watch the video ( ) and write your comments about the health care professionals communication skills.

Answer to Case Study 1

Answer :Comments about the communications skills of the health care professional.

The doctor greeted the patient. The position between the doctor and the patient was appropriate (patient was sitting to the left side of the doctor). Eye contact and posture was appropriate. The doctor appeared to be interested in understanding the patient's problem (Questions were asked to understand what the problem was with the pills). Listening skills were very poor. The patient was not allowed to complete her talk and there was too many interruptions. Both the Doctor and patient were not listening to each other. The tone of speech initially was appropriate but later on the irritation  could be sensed. The tone sounded more like a confrontation. The language used was simple. The doctor on her part was scientifically correct in not allowing the woman the option of hysterectomy due to age. however she could have demonstrated more empathy. Overall the communication was poor.

As the patient seemed to have already made up her mind, and was in no way going to listen to the doctor, the doctor should let the woman talk whatever she has on her mind without interruptions. Once the patient completes her talk, the doctor could explore on how she reached this decision. The doctor could also try to understand more about her work. This would have helped to make the patient feel that the doctor was listening to her. Once the woman appears to be in a listening mode, the doctor could try to make the patient see why the option of hysterectomy was not appropriate.