Practice Questions
1 - Community Medicine and Public Health
CM 1.1 - Define and describe the concept of public health.
a) Explain the Public Health approach with examples.
b) Discuss the core functions of Public Health with examples.
c) Describe the role of Community Medicine Specialists.
d) Differentiate between Clinical Medicine and Community Medicine.
2 - Concept of Health
CM 1.2 - Define health; describe the concept of holistic health including
concept of spiritual health and the relativeness & determinants of
a) Draw the spectrum of health and disease. Explain the spectrum with an example.
b) Define Health. Discuss the different dimensions of health.
c) Describe the determinants of health with examples.
CM 1.7 - Enumerate and describe health indicators.
a) Define Health Indicator. Define the characteristics of an ideal indicator. Enumerate different types of health indicators with 3 examples of each.
b) Human Development Index.
c) Physical Quality of Life Index.
3 - Concept of Disease
CM 1.3 - Describe the characteristics of the agent, host and environmental factors in health and disease and the multi-factorial etiology of disease.
a) Explain the 'Web of Causation' concept of disease causation using the example of malnutrition.
b) Describe the Triangle of Epidemiology.
c) Define Risk Factor. Explain the concept of risk approach.
CM 1.4 - Describe and discuss the natural history of disease.
a) With the help of a diagram, describe the natural history of the disease.
b) Explain the concept of iceberg phenomenon. Draw a diagram to depict iceberg phenomenon.
CM 1.5 - Describe the application of interventions at various levels of prevention.
a) Describe the four levels of prevention and modes of intervention.
b) Define Surveillance. Describe the various types of Surveillance. Explain the importance of Surveillance.
c) Discuss Sentinel Surveillance.
4 - Social Sciences
CM 2.1 - Describe the steps and perform clinico-socio-cultural and demographic assessment of the individual, family and community.
a) Desscribe the steps of performing a survey to collect demographic, socio-economic and socio-cultural practices.
CM 2.2 - Describe the sociocultural factors, family (types), its role in health and disease & demonstrate in a simulated environment the correct assessment of socio-economic status.
a) Describe various types of families. Discuss the role of family in health and disease.
b) Describe the socio-cultural factors affecting health.
c) Describe various socioeconomic scales used in urban and rural communities.
d) Problem Family (MUHS - Winter 23)
CM 2.3 - Describe and demonstrate in a simulated environment the assessment of barriers to good health and health-seeking behaviour.
a) Enumerate and describe barriers to good health and health seeking behaviour.
CM 2.4 - Describe social psychology, community behaviour and community relationship and their impact on health and disease.
a) Describe social psychology.
b) Describe community behaviour and and its impact on health and disease.
c) Write note on Dynamics of Social change and its relation with Health. (MUHS - Winter 22)
CM 2.5 - Describe poverty and social security measures and their relationship to health and disease.
a) Define poverty. Describe the effect of poverty on health and disease.
b) Discuss social security measures in India.
c) Human Poverty Index. (MUHS - Winter 22)
5 - Environment and Health
CM 3.1 - Describe the health hazards of air, water, noise, radiation and pollution.
a) Define Air pollution. List the sources of air pollution. Enumerate harmful effects of air pollution. Discuss measures to prevent air pollution.
b) Describe the effects of noise pollution. Measures to control noise pollution.
c) Enumerate sources of water pollution. Describe the health hazards of water pollution.
d) Radiation hazards.
e) Write note on Air pollution Indicators : Sulphur dioxide, Smoke and Suspended Particles.(MUHS - Winter 2022)
f) Write note on Heat stress Indices. What are the effects of heat stress on health, describe in brief.(MUHS - Winter 2023)
CM 3.2 - Describe concepts of safe and wholesome water, sanitary sources of water, water purification processes, water quality standards, concepts of water conservation and rainwater harvesting.
a) Define safe and wholesome water. Describe methods of water purification on small scale.
b) Discuss methods of water purification on large scale.
c) Sanitary Well.
d) Jal-Jeevan Mission.
CM 3.3 - Describe the aetiology and basis of waterborne diseases/ jaundice/hepatitis/ diarrheal diseases.
a) Enumerate waterborne diseases. Describe the epidemiology, management, prevention and control of diarrhoeal diseases.
CM 3.4 - Describe the concept of solid waste, human excreta and sewage disposal.
a) Sanitation Barrier.
b) Sewage Treatment.
c) Describe the disposal of solid waste.
CM 3.5 - Describe the standards of housing and the effect of housing on health.
a) Enumerate the Housing Standards. Discuss the effect of housing on health.
b) Overcrowding
c) Ventilation
CM 3.6 - Describe the role of vectors in the causation of diseases. Also discuss the National Vector Borne Disease Control Programme.
a) Enumerate the diseases covered under the National Vector Borne Disease Control Programme. Discuss briefly the salient features of NVBDCP.
b) Discuss role of vectors in causation of diseases.
c) Integrated Vector Control Measures.
d) Discuss the strategies for control of Malaria in India.
e) Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever.
f) Surveillance in Malaria.
CM 3.7 - Identify and describe the identifying features and life cycles of vectors of Public Health importance and their control measures.
a) Describe the identifying features and life cycle of Anopheles mosquito.
b) Compare and Contrast the identifying features and life cycle of Anopheles and Aedes mosquito.
CM 3.8 - Describe the mode of action, and application cycle of commonly used insecticides and rodenticides.
a) Describe mode of action, application cycle of commonly used Insecticides.
b) Anti-Rodent Measures. (MUHS - Winter 2022)
c) Toxicity of Organochlorine compounds (MUHS - Winter 2023)
d) Describe mode of action, application cycle of commonly used Rodenticides.
6 - Communication for Health Education
CM 1.6 - Describe and discuss the concepts, the principles of Health promotion and Education, IEC and Behavioral change communication (BCC).
a) Describe the principles of Health Education.
b) Differentiate between Behaviour Change communication and Information Education and Communication with the help of an example. Discuss the steps of behaviour change..
c) A university aims to ensure that its campus is tobacco free. Explain which approach and model of health education should be adopted by the University.
CM 1.9 - Demonstrate the role of effective communication skills in health in a simulated environment.
a) Describe the communication Process. Draw a diagram to depict the communication process.
b) Discuss Barriers of Communication.
c) Discuss how verbal and non-verbal communication skills can affect a doctor patient communication.
CM 1.10 - Demonstrate the important aspects of the doctor-patient relationship in a simulated environment.
a) Describe the important aspects for maintaining a healthy doctor patient relationship.
CM 4.1 - Describe various methods of health education with their advantages and limitations.
a) Discuss the various methods of health education. Which of these methods would be best for health education on Mpox? Why?
b) Describe the teaching aids that can be used during health education sessions.
CM 4.2 - Describe the methods of organizing health promotion and education and counselling activities at individual family and community settings.
a) Describe the steps in planning an health education programme on Malaria.
CM 4.3 - Demonstrate and describe the steps in the evaluation of health promotion and education programme.
a) Describe the steps in evaluation of health education programme.
b) Define Evaluation. Discuss the different types of evaluation.
7 - Nutrition and Health
CM 5.1 - Describe the common sources of various nutrients and special nutritional requirements according to age, sex, activity, physiological conditions.
a) List the classification of food. With respect to Proteins, Fats, Iron, Calcium, Iodine, Vitamin A and Vitamin D.
State the functions.
State the RDA.
Enumerate rich sources of nutrients.
Describe the clinical features of nutritional deficiency.
b) Explain the term biologically complete protein with an example. Describe the indicators to assess quality of proteins.
c) Explain supplementary action of proteins with examples.
CM 5.2 - Describe and demonstrate the correct method of performing a nutritional assessment of individuals, families and the community by using the appropriate method.
a) Describe in brief the methods used to assess the nutritional status of children below five years of age in a community.
b) Discuss the clinical assessment of an adult for assessing the nutritional status.
c) Describe Dietary Survey Methods.
CM 5.3 - Define and describe common nutrition related health disorders (including macro-PEM, Micro-iron, Zn, iodine, Vit. A), their control and management.
a) Describe the ecology of malnutrition. Enumerate and explain the different types of undernutrition. Discuss the measures for prevention and control of malnutrition.
b) Nutrition Rehabilitation Centre.
c) Describe the National Iodine Deficiency Disorder Control Programme.
d) Discuss Clinical manifestations of Vitamin A deficiency. Describe the treatment of a child who presents with bitot's spots. Enumerate the measures for prevention and control of Vitamin A deficiency.
e) Explain the causes of Anaemia. Describe the interventions under Anaemia Mukt Bharat.
CM 5.4 - Plan and recommend a suitable diet for the individuals and families based on local availability of foods and economic status, etc. in a simulated environment.
a) Describe principles of prudent diet. While formulating a diet plan what are the additional points to be kept in mind other than the principles of prudent diet.
CM 5.5 - Describe the methods of nutritional surveillance, principles of nutritional education and rehabilitation in the context of socio-cultural factors.
a) List the principles of nutrition education.
b) Define Surveillance. Describe the methods of nutritional surveillance in a community.
CM 5.6 - Enumerate and discuss the National Nutrition Policy, important national nutritional programmes including the Integrated Child Development Services Scheme (ICDS) etc.
a) Describe the National Nutrition Policy.
b) Enumerate the nutrition related national health programmes. Describe any one of the nutrition programmes.
c) Mid-Day Meal programme for School Children.
d) List the beneficiaries of Anganwadi. Describe the functions of Anganwadi Centre. (ICDS programme)
e) Poshan Abhiyan
CM 5.7 - Describe food hygiene
a) Enumerate milk borne diseases. Explain the process of Pasteurization of Milk. Describe the tests for assessing the quality of pasteurised milk.
b) Prepare a checklist to assess the sanitation of the eating place including the assessment of food handlers.
CM 5.8 - Describe and discuss the importance and methods of food fortification and effects of additives and adulteration.
a) Differentiate between food additives, food fortification and food adulteration.
b) Describe the clinical features of Lathyrism and measures for prevention and control.
c) Epidemic Dropsy.
d) Describe Food Safety and Standards Act /Prevention of Food Adulteration Act.
MUHS Questions from previous years
Describe the various methods for the prevention and control of Vitamin A deficiency. (MUHS - Winter 2022 - SAQ)
Describe the indicators of undernutrition in children (MUHS -Winter 2022 -SAQ)
An adult non-pregnant women's venous blood haemoglobin level is 11.9 gm/dl. Comment on the Haemoglobin level and its detrimental effect on this women. Discuss the interventions to control nutritional anaemia in the community.Add a note on Anaemia Mukt Bharat. (MUHS Winter 2023 - LAQ)
8 - Basic Statistics
CM 6.1 - Formulate a research question for a study.
a) Discuss the different types of Research Question with examples. Describe the PICOT and FINER criteria of Reasearch.
CM 6.2 - Describe and discuss the principles and demonstrate the methods of collection, classification, analysis, interpretation and presentation of statistical data.
a) Describe the methods of data presentation for Quantitative data.
b) Describe the methods of graphical presentation for Qualitative data.
c) Explain the survey methods that can be adopted in the community for survey on malnutrition.
CM 6.3 - Describe, discuss and demonstrate the application of elementary statistical methods including tests of significance in various study designs.
a) Enumerate various tests of significance. Describe steps of performing Chi-square test.
b) Tests for Quantitative Data
c) Normal Curve
CM 6.4 -Enumerate, discuss and demonstrate Common sampling techniques, simple statistical methods, frequency distribution, measures of central tendency and dispersion.
a) Explain the measures of central tendency.
b) Discuss measures of dispersion.
c) Enumerate different methods of sampling in a research study. Describe the steps of performing a stratified random sampling method.
d) Centering constants. (MUHS-Winter 2022)
e) Enumerate methods of data presentation. (MUHS-Winter 2022)
CM 7.9 - Describe and demonstrate the application of computers in epidemiology.
a) Describe the application of computers in epidemiology.
9 - General Epidemiology
CM 7.1 - Define Epidemiology and describe and enumerate the principles, concepts and uses.
a) Define Epidemiology. Describe the epidemiology approach. Discuss the uses of epidemiology.
CM 7.4 - Define, calculate and interpret morbidity and mortality indicators based on given set of data.
a) Define Indicator. Enumerate morbidity and mortality indicators. Describe the methods for standardisation of mortality rates.
b) Differentiate between Rate, Ratio, Proportion with examples.
CM 7.5 - Enumerate, define, describe and discuss epidemiological study designs.
a) Classify epidemiological study designs.
b) Describe Randomised Control Trial with an example.
c) Describe Case Control Study with and example.
d) Describe Cohort Study with an example.
e) Define Incidence and Prevalence. Explain attack rate and secondary attack rate , Point Prevalence and Period Prevalence. Write uses of Incidence and ' Prevalence. (MUHS - Winer 2022)
f) Types of epidemic (MUHS - Winter 2023)
g) Odds Ratio (MUHS - Winter 2023)
h) Secular Trends (MUHS - Winter 2023)
CM 7.8 - Describe the principles of association, causation and biases in epidemiological studies.
a) Define Association. Classify the types of Association. Explain the additional criteria for judging causality.
b) Discuss the various biases that occur in an epidemiological study.
10 - Screening for Diseases
CM 7.6 - Enumerate and evaluate the need of screening tests.
a) Define screening. Describe the criteria that a disease to be screened and the test for screening should fulfil.
b) Describe evaluation of the screening tests.
c) Lead Time in Screening (MUHS - Winter 2023)
d) Explain.Acceptability, Repeatability and Validity characteristics of Screening Test. Explain relation of Observer's variation and Biological Variation with Screening Test. (MUHS - Winter 2022)
11 - Infectious Disease Epidemiology
CM 7.2 - Enumerate, describe and discuss the modes of transmission and measures for prevention and control of communicable and non-communicable diseases.
CM 8.5 - Describe and discuss the principles of planning, implementing and evaluating control measures for disease at community level bearing in mind the public health importance of the disease.
CM 8.6 - Educate and train health workers in disease surveillance, control & treatment and health education
CM 8.4 - Describe the principles and enumerate the measures to control a disease epidemic.
a) Describe the steps of epidemic investigation using the example of Mpox disease.
b) Describe the measures for prevention and control of disease epidemic.
c) What is the role of descriptive type of Epidemiological study in investigation of an epidemic.
CM 20.2 - Describe various issues during outbreaks and their prevention.
a) Describe the issue and challenges faced while controlling an epidemic.
CM 8.1 - Describe and discuss the epidemiological and control measures including the use of essential laboratory tests at the primary care level for communicable diseases.
CM 8.3 - Enumerate and describe disease-specific National Health Programmes including their prevention and treatment of a case.
a) Describe epidemiology of Tuberculosis. Discuss the prevention and control measures for TB.Describe the National TB Elimination Programme.
b) Explain the causes of Drug Resistance TB. Define the different types of drug resistance TB.
c) Discuss role of Chemoprophylaxis in TB.
d) Compare the clinical presentation of TB in a HIV positive and HIV negative person.
e) Describe the epidemiology, prevention and control of Diphtheria.
f) Describe the epidemiology, prevention and control of Measles.
g) Describe the epidemiology, prevention and control of Chickenpox.
CM 8.1 - Describe and discuss the epidemiological and control measures including the use of essential laboratory tests at the primary care level for communicable diseases.
CM 8.3 - Enumerate and describe disease-specific National Health Programmes including their prevention and treatment of a case.
a) Define food poisoning, and state causative organisms. How will you investigate a food poisoning episode in a college hostel?
b) Define Acute Flaccid Paralysis. Describe the steps of Acute Flaccid Paralysis Surveillance.
c) Define Diarrhoea. Describe the assessment of a 3 year old child with diarrhoea as per IMNCI. Discuss the management of a child with severe dehydration.
d) Typhoid Vaccine.
e) Carriers in Typhoid.
CM 8.1 - Describe and discuss the epidemiological and control measures including the use of essential laboratory tests at the primary care level for communicable diseases.
CM 8.3 - Enumerate and describe disease-specific National Health Programmes including their prevention and treatment of a case.
a) Enumerate few Zoonotic diseases. Describe prevention and control of Leptospirosis.
b) Post-exposure prophylaxis in Rabies.
c) Yellow Fever Vaccine.
CM 8.1 - Describe and discuss the epidemiological and control measures including the use of essential laboratory tests at the primary care level for communicable diseases.
CM 8.3 - Enumerate and describe disease-specific National Health Programmes including their prevention and treatment of a case.
a) Biological transmission of vector borne disease.
b) Describe the epidemiology, prevention and control of Malaria.
c) Discuss Surveillance in Malaria.
d) Describe the epidemiology, prevention and control of Dengue.
e) Describe integrated vector control measures.
f) Indicators of Malaria Control Programme.
CM 8.1 - Describe and discuss the epidemiological and control measures including the use of essential laboratory tests at the primary care level for communicable diseases.
CM 8.3 - Enumerate and describe disease-specific National Health Programmes including their prevention and treatment of a case.
a) Describe the epidemiology, prevention and control of HIV-AIDS.
b) Syndromic Management of Sexually Transmitted Infections.
c) Describe the strategies of National AIDS Control Programme.
d) Discuss the strategies adopted for control of leprosy.
e) Targetted Intervention Programme.
CM 8.1 - Describe and discuss the epidemiological and control measures including the use of essential laboratory tests at the primary care level for communicable diseases.
CM 8.3 - Enumerate and describe disease-specific National Health Programmes including their prevention and treatment of a case.
a) Enumerate six emerging and remerging diseases(MUHS-Winter-22).
b) Describe epidemiology, prevention and control of Zika virus.
c) Describe epidemiology, prevention and control of Mpox.
12A - Non-Communicable Disease Epidemiology -HYPERTENSION
CM 8.2 - Describe and discuss the epidemiological and control measures including the use of essential laboratory tests at the primary care level for Non Communicable diseases (diabetes, Hypertension,
Stroke, obesity and cancer etc.)
CM 8.3 - Enumerate and describe disease-specific National Health Programmes including their prevention and treatment of a case.
a) Discuss the laboratory investigations that you would advise an hypertensive patient. Describe the risk factors for raised blood pressure. Explain the prevention and control measures for hypertension.
b) Describe the national programme for Non-Communicable Disease.
c) A 48-year-old male, a chain smoker, and taxi driver by profession developed severe headache and vomiting. When he was at work, he chose to eat street junk food. His mother had a history of hypertension. On examination, his blood pressure was 170/110 mm of Hg in the left arm sitting position.
- (i) Discuss the laboratory investigation that you would advise the patient.
- (ii) Describe the risk factors for raised blood pressure.
- (iii) Explain the prevention and control measures.
12B - Non - Communicable Disease Epidemiology - DIABETES MELLITUS
CM 8.2 - Describe and discuss the epidemiological and control measures including the use of essential laboratory tests at the primary care level for Non Communicable diseases (diabetes, Hypertension,
Stroke, obesity and cancer etc.)
CM 8.3 - Enumerate and describe disease-specific National Health Programmes including their prevention and treatment of a case.
a) Explain with the help of a flow chart the pharmacological management of a diabetic patient.
b) Discuss the non-pharmacological advise for a diabetic patient.
c) During a routine health checkup, a female patient aged 55 years was found to have a FPG of 160 mg/dl and PPG of 350 mg/dl. The physician diagnosed the individual as diabetic.
- (i) Explain with the help of a flow chart the pharmacotherapy for the patient.
- (ii) Discuss the non-pharmacological advice for the patient.
12C - Non-Communicable Disease Epidemiology - CANCERS
CM 8.2 - Describe and discuss the epidemiological and control measures including the use of essential laboratory tests at the primary care level for Non Communicable diseases (diabetes, Hypertension,
Stroke, obesity and cancer etc.)
CM 8.3 - Enumerate and describe disease-specific National Health Programmes including their prevention and treatment of a case.
a) Discuss the warning signs of cancer. Describe the epidemiology, prevention and control of breast cancer in India.
b) Discuss the importance of population and hospital based cancer registry.
12D - Non-Communicable Disease Epidemiology - BLINDNESS
CM 8.2 - Describe and discuss the epidemiological and control measures including the use of essential laboratory tests at the primary care level for Non Communicable diseases (diabetes, Hypertension,
Stroke, obesity and cancer etc.)
CM 8.3 - Enumerate and describe disease-specific National Health Programs including their prevention and treatment of a case.
a) Describe the national programme for control of blindness and visual impairment.
13 - Demography and Vital Statistics
CM 1.8 - Describe the Demographic profile of India and discuss its impact on health.
a) Enumerate the demographic Indicators. Describe the demographic profile of India.
CM 9.1 - Define and describe the principles of Demography, Demographic cycle, and Vital statistics.
a) Enumerate and describe the stages of the demographic cycle. (MUHS - Winter 2022) .
b) Enumerate vital statistics. Describe the birth and death registration act.
c) Population pyramid.
CM 9.2 - Define, calculate and interpret demographic indices including birth rate, death rate, and fertility rates.
a) The annual population growth rate of a country is more than 2. Comment on the status of population growth of this country. Draw the population pyramid of India, and describe it.(MUHS - Winter 2023)
b) Enumerate demographic indicators. Write the formula for calculating these demographic indicators.
CM 9.3 - Enumerate and describe the causes of the declining sex ratio and its social and health implications.
a) Define Sex Ratio. Describe the causes for declining sex ratio. Discuss the social and health implications of declining sex ratio.
CM 9.4 - Enumerate and describe the causes and consequences of the population explosion and population dynamics of India.
a) Enumerate the causes of population explosion. Describe the consequences of population explosion. Discuss measures that can be taken for population control.
b) Define Fertility. Enumerate various fertility indicators. Explain the reasons for high fertility rate in India.
14 - Management Information System
CM 7.3 - Enumerate, describe and discuss the sources of epidemiological data.
a) Enumerate the sources of epidemiological Data. Describe the system of Vital Statistics Registration.
b) Describe the Integrated Disease Surveillance Programme.
CM 9.7 - Enumerate the sources of vital statistics including census, SRS,
a) Population Census
b) National Family Health Survey.
c) Sample Registration System
CM 8.7 - Describe the principles of management of information systems.
a) Define Health Information System. Describe the principles of management of Information Systems.
15. Reproductive Health -Family Planning Methods
CM 9.6 - Describe the National Population Policy.
a) Describe the National Population Policy.
CM 9.5 - Describe the methods of population control.
CM 10.6 - Enumerate and describe various family planning methods, their advantages and shortcomings.
a) Describe Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act.
b) Give classification of Contraceptive methods. Describe in detail various permanent methods of Contraception.
c) Enumerate temporary and permanent methods of contraception. Describe the contraceptive methods available under the national family welfare programme.
d) Antara.
e) Intrauterine Contraceptive Device.
f) Pearl Index.
CM 10.7 - Enumerate and describe the basis and principles of the Family Welfare Program including the organization, technical and operational aspects.
a) Describe the family Welfare Programme.
CM 10.1 - Describe the current status of Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn and Child Health.
a) A primigravida women aged 20 years delivered at home by local dai. She started complaining of high grade fever with foul smelling vaginal discharge within 3 days of delivery. The symptoms worsened and progressed with pain in lower abdomen and increased pulse rate in next two days. She was admitted in a rural hospital, where her health further deteriorated and she died.
(i) Identify factors that led to her death.
(ii) Describe the complications in postnatal period.
(iii) Describe the prevention and control measures to reduce maternal deaths in India (MUHS - Winter 2023).
CM 10.2 - Enumerate and describe the methods of screening high risk groups and common health problems.
a) High Risk Approach in Pregnancy and Screening of High Risk Pregnancies.
CM 10.3 - Describe local customs and practices during pregnancy, childbirth, lactation and child feeding practices.
a) Describe the common local customs and practices during pregnancy and childbirth.
CM 10.4 - Describe the reproductive, maternal, newborn & child health (RMCH); child survival and safe motherhood interventions.
a) Enumerate the various components of RMNCAH. Describe interventions for safe motherhood (maternal health).
b) Enumerate the national health programmes pertinent to maternal health. Describe briefly each of these programme.
c) Define maternal death. Enumerate the causes for maternal death. Describe the measures to prevent maternal deaths.
CM 10.9 - Describe and discuss gender issues and women empowerment.
a) Describe how gender bias affects health. Discuss measures to address these issues.
CM 10.1 - Describe the current status of Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn and Child Health.
a) Define perinatal mortality. Enlist the causes of perinatal mortality. Discuss the preventive and social measures to prevent perinatal mortality (Winter 22)
CM 10.2 - Enumerate and describe the methods of screening high risk groups and common health problems.
a) Screening of Newborns and Essential Newborn Care.
CM 10.3 - Describe local customs and practices during pregnancy, childbirth, lactation and child feeding practices.
a) Describe the common local customs and practices pertaining to child feeding practices.
CM 10.4 - Describe the reproductive, maternal, newborn & child health (RMCH); child survival and safe motherhood interventions.
a) Enumerate the various components of RMNCAH. Describe interventions for newborn and child health under RMNCAH.
b) A newborn baby weights 2.49 kg, when it was measured within one hour of birth. Comment on the birth weight of this newborn. Discuss the causes of low birth weight baby.Add a note on Kangaroo Mother Care.(MUHS - Winter 2023)
c) Care of Healthy Newborns. (MUHS - Winter 2023)
d) Baby Friendly Hospital Initiatives.
CM 10.5 - Describe Universal Immunization Program; Integrated Management of Neonatal and Childhood Illness (IMNCI) and other existing Programs.
a) Briefly describe the IMNCI approach.
b) Prepare an Immunisation Schedule for a child from birth to 16 years of age. Mention the dose, route of administration and site of vaccination. Enumerate the diseases against which these vaccines offer protection.
c) Rashtriya Bal Swasthya Karyakram.
d) Adverse events following immunisation.
CM 10.8 - Describe the physiology, clinical management and principles of adolescent health including ARSH.
a) Enumerate the common health problems of adolescents? Describe the role of Adolescent Friendly Health Clinics.
b) Rashtriya Kishor Swasthya Karyakram.
19 - Geriatric Services
CM 12.1 - Define and describe the concept of Geriatric services.
a) Explain the concept of Geriatric Services.
CM 12.2 - Describe health problems of aged population.
a) Describe the health and social problems of elderly population.
CM 12.3 - Describe the prevention of health problems of aged population.
a) Discuss the prevention of health problems in the elderly.
CM 12.4 - Describe national programme for elderly.
a) Describe the national programme for the health care of the elderly.
b) Describe how health care is provided to the elderly at the level of primary health care.
20 - Occupational Health
CM 11.1 - Enumerate and describe the presenting features of patients with occupational illness including agriculture.
a) Enumerate and describe various types of pneumoconiosis.
b) Describe health hazards of agricultural workers.
c) Occupational cancers.
d) Define Pneumoconiosis. Write name of Industries and causes related to Bagassosis, Byssinosis, Anthracosis, Silicosis, Asbestosis & Farmer's / Lung. (MUHS - Winter 2022)
CM 11.2 - Describe the role, benefits and functioning of the Employees State Insurance Scheme.
a) Describe the benefits provided under ESIS.
b) Maternity Benefit under ESIS act 1948. (MUHS - Winter 23)
c) Scopes of Employees State Insurance Act 1948. Describe Medical Benefits under ESI act 1948. (MUHS - Winter 2023)
CM 11.3 - Enumerate and describe specific occupational health hazards, their risk factors and preventive measures.
a) Enumerate occupational health hazards due to physical , chemical and biological agents. Discuss the measure of prevention of occupational diseases.
b) Describe the provision under Factories act for health promotion and prevention of occupational disease.
c) Factories Act (MUHS - Winter 2022)
CM 11.4 - Describe the principles of ergonomics in health preservation.
a) Define ergonomics and discuss its role in health promotion and prevention of occupational diseases.
CM 11.5 - Describe occupational disorders of health professionals and their prevention & management.
a) Enumerate occupational hazards of healthcare professionals. Describe the preventive measures and management of these occupational hazards.
21 - Disaster Management
CM 13.1 - Define and describe the concept of Disaster management.
a) Define Disaster. Enumerate examples of Natural Disasters. Discuss the impact of natural disasters.
CM 13.2 - Describe disaster management cycle.
a) Draw and explain the disaster management cycle.
b) Triage.
CM 13.3 - Describe man made disasters in the world and in India.
a) Define Disaster. Classify disasters citing two examples each. Describe impact of man-made disasters.
b) Explain how man-made disasters can be prevented.
CM 13.4 - Describe the details of the National Disaster management Authority.
a) Discuss the role of National Disaster Management Authority.
22 - Hospital Waste Management
CM 14.1 - Define and classify hospital waste
a) Define biomedical waste. Classify the types of hospital waste. State the health hazards of hospital waste.
CM 14.2 - Describe various methods of treatment of hospital waste.
a) Discuss the segregation, treatment and final disposal of hospital waste
b) Explain the different methods available for treatment of hospital waste.
CM14.3 - Describe laws related to hospital waste management.
a) Biomedical Waste Management Rules , 2016.
23 - Mental Health
CM 15.1 - Define and describe the concept of Mental Health.
a) Describe Mental Health Programme.
CM 15.2 - Describe warning signals of mental health disorder.
a) Describe the warning signs of mental illness.
b) List the causes of mental illness. Discuss measures for prevention of mental illness.
c) Tobacco Addiction.
CM 15.3 - Describe National Mental Health programme.
a) Describe Mental Health Programme.
24 - Health Planning and Management
CM 16.1 - Define and describe the concept of Health planning.
a) Define Health Planning. Describe the role of Niti Ayog.
CM 16.2 - Describe the planning cycle.
a) Describe the steps of the planning cycle using an example.
b) Enumerate the various steps in health planning.(Winter 22)
c) During the Family Adoption Programme, the Community Survey, revealed that Tuberculosis, Malaria, Environmental issues like dumping garbage, lack of ORS, open air defaecation exists in the community. The Community Medicine department aims to improve the health and reduce TB the community.
Discuss the planning cycle using the above example.
CM 16.3 - Describe Health management techniques.
a) Define Management. Explain the qualitative methods of management.
b) Explain cost benefit analysis, cost effective analysis and cost accounting.
c) Network Analysis
CM 16.4 - Describe health planning in India and National policies related to health and health planning.
a) Describe the national health policy 2017.
b) Explain the Panchayati Raj system.
25 - Health Care of the Community
CM 17.1 - Define and describe the concept of health care to community.
CM 17.2 - Describe community diagnosis.
a) Describe Community Diagnosis.
b) Enumerate common health problems in India.
CM 17.3 - Describe primary health care, its components and principles.
a) Define primary health care. Describe the principles and elements of primary health care.
CM 17.4 - Describe National policies related to health and health planning and millennium development goals.
a) Sustainable Development Goals related to Health.
CM 17.5 - Describe health care delivery in India.
a) Describe the three tier health care delivery system in India.
b) Health and Wellness Centre.
c) Staffing and Services provided by a subcentre.
d) Staffing and Services provided by a primary health centre.
e) Compare staffing pattern, services provided and population norms of Subcentre, Primary Health Centre and Community Health Centre.
26 - International Health
CM 18.1 - Define and describe the concept of International health.
a) Define International Health. Describe the concept of International Health.
CM 18.2 - Describe roles of various international health agencies.
a) Functions of World Health Organization
c) World Health Day 2024
27 - Essential Medicines and Counterfeit Medicines
CM 19.1 - Define and describe the concept of Essential Medicine List (EML).
a) Discuss the concept of essential medicine list. List the utility of essential medicine list.
CM 19.2 - Describe roles of essential medicine in primary health care.
a) Describe roles of essential medicine in primary health care?
CM 19.3 - Describe counterfeit medicine and its prevention.
a) Define counterfeit medicines. Describe measures to prevent and address counterfeit medicines.
28 - Recent Advances in Community Medicine
CM 20.1 - List important public health events of the last five years.
a) Mpox
b) Chandipura virus
CM 20.3 - Describe any event important to the Health of the Community.
a) Elimination of Trachoma
CM 20.4 - Demonstrate awareness about laws pertaining to practice of
medicine such as Clinical establishment Act and Human Organ Transplantation Act and its implications.
a) Human Organ Transplant Act
b) Clinical Establishment Act