
Case Presentation

Socio-Demographic details:

______ years (Age) old ________(sex) Patient _____________ (Name), ______ (Religion) residing at ___________ (detailed address), a native of ___________  (mention from where patient has migrated or come from), ___________ (Marital status), educated up to _______  (Education) working as a ____________(Occupation) belonging to socio-economic class _________ (Socio-economic class) was admitted in the hospital on________  (Date of Admission)/came to OPD.


Mention whether self or a family member (If family member, mention the relation with the patient)

Chief  Complaints: 

In case the patient has come to collect medications, and the patient does 

not have any complaints, mention accordingly.

Present History: 

Past History: 

 Personal History:

Family History:

Menstrual History: 

Age of menarche

Date of last menstrual period 

(Important to rule out pregnancy, since certain drugs are contraindicated in pregnancy. In case patient is drug resistant TB, patient may be advised MTP if less than 20 weeks or if more than 20 weeks, anti-TB regimen may need to be modified).

Past Menstrual Cycle: Duration ______________, Regularity _______________________, Pain during menses __________________ , 

Flow - less/moderate/heavy

Family Planning: 

In female patients ask for the contraceptive method being used.

(Efficacy of Oral Contraceptive Pills is reduced in patients taking anti-tuberculosis drugs, and therefore other contraceptive methods should be used.)

Obstetric History: 

Gravida _____ Para ______Abortion _______Live birth _______ Stillbirth ________.

In pregnant women, ask additional questions pertinent to Antenatal care, the past obstetric history details like the birth history, details of delivery and post-natal care as you would elicit in an ANC case.

Immunization History: 

Socioeconomic History: 

Details regarding the following should be obtained in history.

Summarise the elicited information by drawing the family tree. State the type of family, mentioning any young children or family members with the HIV or Diabetes and socio-economic class using either B.G. Prasad or Modified Kuppuswamy classification.

Environmental history:

Social Cultural Practices:

Cultural values/ Customs/Habits/ Beliefs/ Attitudes / Stress (Home/ Workplace)/ Health services in community/  

Dietary History

Take dietary assessment using a 24 hour recall method. Analyse diet to check caloric and protein intake and summarise as follows.

________(Patient name) consumes _______________(vegetarian /non-vegetarian food) food and eats ____ meals per day (no. of meals). Total caloric intake is _____ kcals and _____ gms of proteins is being consumed.

Diet is deficit /excess by ____ kcals and _____gms of proteins.

General examination:

Built_____________________  Weight in  ___________kg and height of ____________ cms and BMI is _____ kg/m sq.

Pulse rate is  ____________ per min.

BP is ______ mm of Hg in supine position measured in the left arm. 

Respiratory Rate is __________ per min.

Signs / No signs  of pallor, icterus, cyanosis, clubbing, lymphadenopathy, oedema.

Systemic Examination:

Respiratory system:

Cardiovascular system:

Alimentary system:

Central Nervous system

Case Summary: