TB case - Questions

Differential Diagnosis

Which Investigations will you propose in a presumptive case of TB?

Prescribe treatment for drug sensitive TB?

What non-pharmocolgical advice would you like to give the patient with TB?

Screening of susceptible family members

Respiratory hygiene

Which mask should patient's wear?

Which mask should health care professional treating TB wear?

List the possible epidemiological factors that led to the occurence of Tuberculosis disease.

List the epidemiological factors that increase the risk of spread of Tuberculosis disease in the family members.

Who could be the source/reservoir of infection?

List the socio-economic factors that influence the occurence of the disease

What could be the impact of patient's condition on self and other family members?

What is the difference between droplet infection and droplet nuclei?

Explain the diagnostic algorithm in a suspected TB patient?

Which factors influence the development of TB diseases in a tuberculosis infected individual?

Should you do a TB Sensitivity  test in an adult patient suspected to have TB?

How would you prevent spread of TB to other family members?

Advice the patient regarding disposal of sputum

Role of BCG vaccine in the context of TB disease

Should INH prophylaxis be given to the family members?

How does presentation of TB differ in HIV positive individuals?

Should you test a TB patient for HIV and Diabetes

How is TB treatment outcome affected by HIV?

How is TB treatment outcome affected by Diabetes?

Why should you enquire about Tobacco consumption in a suspected TB patient or a diagnosed TB patient?

Why should you enquire about exposure to tobacco smoke in a suspected TB patient or a diagnosed TB patient?

Why should you enquire about alcohol consumption in a suspected TB patient or a diagnosed TB patient?

How is TB treatment outcome affected by Tobacco consumption/exposure to Tobacco smoke?

What are the epidemiological factors responsible for the disease?

What is the difference between TB infection and disease?

How many sputum samples are collected?

When is sputum smear likely to be positive by Ziehl Neelson technique?

Explain how a TST test is done?

What are the commonly seen side-effects of first line anti-TB drugs?

INH prophylaxis 

When is follow up sputum examination to be done?

List the complications of TB.

Explain the term MDR TB and XDR TB.

Give examples of how perception and practices affect occurence of disease and treatment outcomes.