PNC Mother Case - Questions
Define the postpartum period.
Define postnatal care.
State the two critical periods of the postnatal period.
State the objectives of postnatal care.
What is the minimum number of PNC visits in rural areas?Â
When should these minimum number of PNC visits in rural areas take place?
List the complications occurring during the PNC period in the mother.
What is meant by puerperal sepsis?
What is the consequence of untreated puerperal sepsis
List the symptoms suggestive of puerperal sepsis.
What are the 5 /6 Cs of aseptic precautions to be followed while conducting delivery?
How often should a woman change her pads during the postpartum period?
What is meant by the term thrombophlebitis?
Why thrombophlebitis occurs?
What are the consequences of untreated thrombophlebitis?
What are the signs of thrombophlebitis?
Define the quantity of blood loss that occurs in postpartum haemorrhage(PPH) following normal vaginal delivery and caesarean section?
What is primary PPH?
What is secondary PPH?
What are the causes of PPH?
List the symptoms and signs to recognise PPH?
What are the consequence of PPH?
How will you determine if a women has excessive bleeding on history.
State the strength, dosage and duration IFA and Calcium tablets Supplementation in postpartum period.
How many additional calories are required by a lactating mother ?
Name some iron rich and calcium rich foods.
How many calories and proteins does a take home ration of the Anganwadi centre provide?
What are the contraceptive choices available to a women who is breastfeeding?
What are the contraceptive choices available to a women who is NOT breastfeeding?