PNC - Mother 

Case Presentation

Socio-demographic History:

Chief  Complaints: 

Details of chief complaints - origin, duration, progress (ODP) and associated events




Birth History (Current):

Present History: 

Ask for the history of

Assess if  she feels unhappy or cries easily (post-partum depression, usually occurs 4-7 days after delivery)

Mothers' care during the antenatal period

Past History:

Ask for any major previous illness like TB, chronic illnesses or surgery.

Personal History:

Family History:

Menstrual History:

LMP ________ EDD: ______ ( to know if the delivery was at term or not)

Marital History:

Family Planning:

Ask if any family planning method has been adopted or intends to be adopted.

Past Obstetric History:

Ask for each past pregnancy - the details of the previous pregnancy outcome:

Socioeconomic History:

Details regarding the following should be obtained in history.

Draw the family tree with the above information.

State the type of the family.

Calculate and state the socio-economic class using either BG Prasad Classification or Modified Kuppuswamy Classification.

If using Kuppuswamy classification calculate  

If using BG Prasad classification, 

Environmental history:

Socio-cultural Practices:

Elicit the socio-cultural practices prevailing in the family. Examples

Dietary History

Take dietary assessment using a 24-hour recall method. Analyse her diet to check caloric, protein, iron and calcium intake and summarise as follows.

General examination:

Normal /inverted nipples

Any lumps or tenderness

Observe breastfeeding.

Check Episiotomy wound.

Look for any swelling, tear, pus discharge.

Systemic Examination: 

Alimentary system (Per Abdomen)

Cardiovascular system:

Respiratory system:

Central Nervous system

Case Summary: 

Pharmacological Management:

IFA tablets containing 60 mg elemental iron and 500 mcg of Folic acid - one tablet daily for 180 days.

Calcium Tablets containing 500 mg of Calcium and 250 IU of Vitamin D - two tablets daily for 180 days.

Non-Pharmacological Management: