Diabetes Mellitus

Case Presentation

Socio-Demographic History:





Marital status: 




Native /Migrant:                                  


Date of Admission:

Chief Complaints:

Mention the complaints and the duration for which the patient has come to the OPD or hospitalized. 

In case the patient has come for routine follow up and does not have any complaints, mention accordingly.

Present History: 

In a known DM patient, ask

Whether the patient was diagnosed when signs and symptoms of diabetes were seen; 

or when complications occurred; 

or as a result of laboratory tests done for screening; 

or during investigations for pre-anaesthesia fitness etc.

Ask the patient to show the medications he/she is taking?

Ask how many tablets are consumed in a day and the time when they are consumed. 

Ask for presenting symptoms  suggestive of complications of diabetes

For the presenting complaints, ask If the patient has sought medical advice for these complaints and details of treatment.

Past History: 

Personal History: 

Family History: 

Menstrual History: 

Family Planning: 

Mention the methods being used.

Past Obstetric History: 

Gravida _____ Para ________Abortion _______Live birth _________ Stillbirth ________

History of gestational diabetes.

Immunization History: 

Socioeconomic History: 

If using Kuppuswamy classification calculate  

If using BG Prasad classification, 

Environmental history:

Socio-cultural factors

Dietary History: 

General examination:

Systemic Examination:

Cardiovascular system:

Respiratory system:

Alimentary system:

Central Nervous system:

Case Summary:

Differential Diagnosis: 

Provisional Diagnosis:

Proposed Investigations: 

Pharmacological Management:

Non-Pharmacological Management: